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July 3, 2024

The Benefits of Using Web Content Management System (CMS) for Small Businesses

Does your website's content appear outdated compared to competitive sites? When you visit your business site, do you feel like drowning in a sea of images, files, and words? Don't worry—you are not the only one going through this.  

Building a website is time-consuming, especially for a small business owner with limited resources. Things may not always turn out as you expected or exceed your budget.

Fortunately, there are tools and tactics to automate your website development process while maintaining quality and aesthetics. One of those tools is a web content management system.

It's software or a set of related programs that you can use to create and manage the content on your website. It can help you edit, organize, and publish content, ensuring user-friendliness, SEO friendliness, cost efficiency, and extendable functionality.  

Due to these reasons, approximately 1.2 billion websites are now using a CMS. If your static websites' content suffers from poor scalability, you can also join the crowd of CMS users.

In today's blog, we dive into the benefits of using CMS to help you understand what to expect from the software. Plus, we briefly discuss your different CMS options and what to consider when choosing one for your website.

So, take your first step towards better website content organization!

What Is A Content Management System (CMS) And Why Do Small Businesses Need One?

As previously mentioned, a CMS, or content management system, is software that helps users craft, manage, and improve the content on their website without learning the technicalities. Simply put, with a CMS, you can develop a website from scratch without knowing how to code.  

With a content management system, you won't have to build your system to store images, create web pages, and perform other functions. Instead, you can download or purchase extensions and templates from the CMS to complete the job.  

Also, to make your website unique, you can customize its design and functionality. Or you can let the CMS handle all the basic infrastructure so you can focus on the more vital tasks. Beyond websites, you can use a content management system for other functions, like document management.

Speaking of functions, you may wonder how a content management system works then?

To understand a CMS's functionalities, you must first learn about the steps involved in traditional website development.  

Typically, you would start with HTML to add images, navigation, texts, bars, and other website building blocks. Then, you would use CSS to style the elements to match the feel of your brand.  

After that, you will write JavaScript to add advanced functionality to your site, such as a slide-in call-to-action button. Once you have completed these steps, you must upload the HTML file to your server and lock it in your database forever.  

Whenever you wish to make changes to your website, even if it's a minor modification like a content update, you must download the files from the server and change the HTML code.   

On the contrary, when you use a content management system, such as WordPress, Wix, Shopify, or Squarespace, you can simply write, edit, and publish web content via an interface that looks a lot like Microsoft Word.  

To manage or upload media, instead of directly interacting with your web server, you can browse the media library of the CMS platform. After completion, the software will display your content exactly how you want it to.  

Below, we highlight the typical limitations of traditional static websites to help you understand how a CMS offers a user-friendly alternative.  

The Limitations of Traditional Static Websites

A static website comprises pre-built sites brought to visitors' browsers without database and server-side processing.  

Simply put, your host sends the website files to the browser as they exist on the server. Each of your website visitors receives the same static file, confirming they all have the same experience on your website navigating through the same content.   

Static websites can be a practical option to build content-managed websites with basic needs and limited resources.  

However, if you desire to deliver an unforgettable and personalized user experience, the following limitations may prevent you from doing so.

Limited Scalability

Limited scalability is one of the most significant issues with static websites. As highlighted above, if you need to add new content, you must manually update the CSS and HTML code. Also, you must go through time-consuming coding practices if you wish to add more pages to the site. Hence, experts often only recommend static websites for cases where the content is unlikely to change.  

Alternatively, dynamic websites integrated with a web content management system can help you manage thousands of pages and regular content updates to accommodate business growth.  

Lack of Interactivity

Static websites lack several features crucial for user interaction. For instance, integrating account creation, payment methods, content sharing, and social login features in traditional websites is extremely challenging. These options are often essential for most web applications, especially e-commerce stores and membership communities.  

On the contrary, you can employ all these features in your dynamic website with a sound web content management system.

Limited Customization

With a static website, you are stuck using CSS and HTML to personalize the layout and appearance. Plus, you cannot customize the web content for individual visitors based on their behaviour, preferences, browsing history, and location. Due to this lack of personalization, you will miss out on opportunities to connect with potential customers.  

Using a CMS for SEO, on the other hand, will help your website shine. It will tailor the content to individual visitors to deliver an inviting and personalized experience. In the long term, it leads to higher conversion rates and sales.  

Time-Consuming Updates

Building a static website can be swift if you are well-versed in web development. It's the ongoing management that will bother you the most. Any modifications will require you to manually update it for individual pages. As your website grows, the updates will become laborious and time-consuming.  

However, with a content management website, maintenance can be a breeze. Multiple users can use a database to manage the content without influencing the website's design and structure and update web pages quickly.

Limited Features

Static website builders are not your best source for modern website features such as analytics, SEO, and social media. You can use third-party tools to fulfil these necessities. However, that will further complicate your website's structure and negatively impact its performance.  

The limited features of static websites are among the top reasons today's web is predominantly dynamic.

Keeping your website's content updated and fresh is crucial to maintaining its relevancy. It encourages visitors to return and check out the new updates while indicating that your business is active on search engines. Considering Google prefers well-maintained websites with adequate content, it improves your website's chances of making it to the first SERP.  

However, updating your website content is a hassle with a static website. As discussed, you must do it manually for each page while ensuring you are not breaking any links.  

It's a risky and costly task. Hence, most small business websites nowadays turn to the best CMS for SEO to build their website.  

So, should you also follow in their footsteps or opt for a traditional website instead?  

Below, we present a list of the best benefits of a content management system to help you make your decision.  

Unveiling The Benefits of A CMS For Small Businesses!

The most significant benefit of content management websites is streamlined and optimized digital content management. The software allows you to easily tag and categorize your website content to locate and retrieve information without a hassle.  

It comes with SEO capabilities, such as keyword optimization and metadata management, enabling you to improve search engine rankings.

But that's not all!

Here are more key benefits your website can enjoy from a content management system:

Effortless Content Creation and Editing

Professionals have designed website content management systems to be easy to use and navigate for the layman. As a result, users who don't have coding knowledge or experience can seamlessly use a content management website or system to create, modify, and edit content. You can use the templates and extensions available in the CMS to craft a stunning website.

Furthermore, a notable feature of this software that is often behind this ease of use is WYSIWYG, or what you see is what you get. When you use this feature or interface, any modifications you make within the content management system backend will appear precisely as they would on the site.  

It allows you to observe real-time changes, streamlining your web development process. It also eliminates the need to switch back and forth between code and preview screens.

Simplified Website Maintenance

We have previously discussed how a CMS's user-friendly interface makes it easier to create, edit, and update content. However, the benefits of CMS go way beyond website content organization.

Most standard content management software contains uncountable extensions and features to streamline website upkeep.  

For instance, the media library in a CMS serves as a centralized repository that helps manage your digital assets, including videos, images, and other media files. It makes it extremely easy for users to search the files, edit them, or add new files to the site.  

Also, the Drag-and-Drop editor allows users to craft and organize visual content without coding. To do so, you just drag the texts, videos, and images onto the pages.  

Besides these features, content management websites or systems also offer cloud-based updates. This means the system automatically keeps your plugins and CMS up to date, enhancing a website's security and functionality without manual labour.  

Enhanced Collaboration and Workflow:

Website content management systems allow different roles and permissions to facilitate collaboration. Thus, your team members can collaborate on content editing, publishing, and creation while maintaining control over who can do what.  

The workflow management feature of a CMS is specifically responsible for a smooth content approval, review, and publishing process. Furthermore, most content management systems have a Roles and Rights Management feature that you can use to assign roles with control access, such as contributor, editor, and admin, and guarantee security.

Improved Content Organization and Scheduling

A web content management system allows you to create and organize website content into various sections and categories. You can categorize them using metadata, tags, and labels into logical groups and retrieve the required information whenever necessary.  

Additionally, content management systems contain features for managing website menus. Utilizing this feature to create, modify, and arrange your website navigation buttons will ensure a consistent, user-friendly experience for all your visitors.  

In addition, you can use the software to draft website content and schedule it for posting, maintaining your editorial calendar. You can prepare the content days, weeks, or even months in advance, meaning you will never miss an opportunity to capitalize on an event again.

Going Beyond the Basics: The Power of A CMS For Growth

Harnessing the power of a website content management system can bring multiple benefits beyond the basics of content management. As your business expands and its requirements evolve, the CMS adapts and enables your website to grow with you. It allows seamless additions of new pages and integration of SEO-friendly features while staying affordable.

Here, we look at some key benefits of a content management system ideal for small but growing businesses.

SEO-Friendly Features for Better Rankings

Search engine optimization lies at the core of any digital marketing strategy. It's vital for driving traffic to your website, ranking on search engine result pages, and launching your brand's online presence. SEO can significantly influence your company's revenue and bottom line in the long term.

Therefore, building an SEO-optimized website is incredibly important. Thankfully, when you employ a content management website or system to develop a site, you earn access to many SEO-friendly features.  

With the platform's help, you can add SEO-friendly URLs, keywords, metadata, title tags, and other vital elements. You can also edit and optimize these features for better reach.  

Moreover, whenever the search engine algorithms get a new update, the CMS tools and plugins adjust, ensuring your website remains optimized. If you leave any information incomplete or incorrect, the software also sends you alerts about it.  

Scalability and Growth Potential

A content management system's unmatched flexibility enables it to accommodate new page additions, functionality, plugin integration, and more. Without requiring extensive coding or customization, a CMS allows your website to grow, reach new audiences, and deliver more value to your users with its amazing scalability, flexibility, and ability to adapt to future needs.  

It gives you access to advanced features like intuitive dashboards, responsive themes, and powerful content editing and publishing tools, enabling you to respond quickly to changing market requirements and retain visitors.   

Cost-Effective Website Management

For a small business, maintaining a static website can be heavy on your pockets. Unless you have the knowledge, experience, and skills to build a website from scratch, you must hire a web developer for every tiny update to your website.  

Besides the cost, you also need to consider the downtime for your websites. The updates might take a few days to go live. Until then, your consumers must wait patiently to use your services or products.  

Conversely, if you employ a content management system, you can easily implement updates without spending any additional money. Furthermore, most CMSs offer various payment plans for different needs, starting as low as $10 per month.  

You can also opt for open-source content management systems that are free to download. Although these content management websites or systems can be more technically demanding, they are excellent for businesses with budgetary constraints.  

Choosing The Right CMS For Your Small Business

The benefits of content management systems are undeniable. However, you must remember that not every CMS is made the same. While some website content organization or management systems come with affordable packages, others boast more SEO-friendly features.  

Furthermore, the CMS you pick for your online business can be a make-or-break decision. It can impact every aspect of your website, from functionality to appearance. Committing to one CMS and switching to another is not a seamless process.  

Hence, picking a content management system that will satisfy your needs is essential.  

However, with so many CMS varieties available, which should you choose?

To help you find an answer, below, we present a list of some of the most popular content management systems for small businesses. Additionally, we discuss the key factors to consider when selecting a CMS for content-managed websites.


Packed with plenty of valuable features and tools, WordPress powers nearly a third of the web. The open-source content management system is among the best CMS for SEO.  

Plus, its flexibility makes it ideal for a wide selection of websites. Furthermore, it offers thousands of themes and plugins to easily customize your site and make it stand out among competitors. Its user-friendly, intuitive interface also makes it easier for you to integrate e-commerce features, add new pages, or update the content.  

Most importantly, WordPress is affordable, making it perfect for small businesses. It has a welcoming community where you will never lack support when in need. With professional WordPress development services, you can ensure your site is optimized, unique, and fully functional.


Another fantastic choice for small businesses' content-managed websites is Wix. It's simple drag-and-drop facility and AI assistant enable users to craft a professional-looking website within minutes.  

It gives users the creative control they need to tailor the website to their needs. This web content management system's responsive nature ensures that your website looks stunning and functions well across all devices, be it a desktop or a smartphone.  

Moreover, Wix offers top-notch security and packs powerful business tools, including e-commerce features, social media integration, email marketing, and more.

Lastly, the cost of maintaining a website with Wix is also competitive ($23 – $500+ / month).


Stylish, savvy, and perfect for small businesses, Squarespace knows how to create an outstanding website. From its stunning templates to user-friendly features, the CMS offers countless functionality to craft quality websites without coding knowledge.

Its most attractive features include:

  • A custom domain name.
  • Free SSL certificate.
  • Intuitive drag-and-drop interface.
  • Comprehensive reporting and analytics tools.
  • Plenty of designs to create a site that compliments your brand's aesthetics.

Squarespace's monthly subscription starts at as little as $16 per month.

When it comes to content management systems, there are no one-size-fits-all options. Each of the platforms has something unique to offer. To ensure you select the right one, you must determine whether the USP is necessary for your business.  

That said, a few core functionalities are common in most content management systems. These features are the key to creating a modern, seamless, and mobile-friendly website or web app that encourages customers to visit your site.

We highlight these features below to help you make an informed decision.  

Size and scalability: Your CMS should be able to support the website through all your updates.

Omnichannel capabilities: Ensure the CMS allows you to serve content optimized for the platforms or channels your consumers visit.

Content management features: A CMS would be nothing without usable content management features, such as workflows, tagging, and search.

Security and control: Assess the security measures of your CMS and what it does for access control.

Budget: Website maintenance can be costly, even if a CMS is free. Assess all the charges and subscription plans before signing up.

Customer support: Most well-known CMS platforms, such as WordPress, offer convenient and quick support to their users.  

Other features: Besides the core qualities of a CMS, there are a few advanced features you may need to maintain an updated website, including:

  • Responsive design capabilities,  
  • Roles and permissions,  
  • Multilingual capabilities,  
  • Hosting options,  
  • Personalization,  
  • SEO friendliness and ease of use,  
  • Multiple website support and versioning.  

There's no shortage of content management systems, from popularly known CMSs like WordPress to new yet impactful platforms like Shopify and Web Flow. Hence, as a new business owner, it's natural to feel overwhelmed.  

We recommend determining your options by assessing the platforms based on the qualities above. Also, based on your business needs and location, research and compare your CMS options to find the best system.

Select The Best CMS For Your Website with GT Wizards' Expert Advice!

From ease of use and improved content management to cost-effectiveness and SEO advantages, the growth potential offered by a web content management system is simply impeccable. Using a content management system can help craft fresh, user and search-friendly websites that expand as your business grows. It allows you to integrate advanced e-commerce and social functionalities to help your site reach more people.  

However, we understand that getting started with a CMS can be a bit tricky. That's why, at GT Wizards, we are committed to stimulating your website development process through comprehensive design and development solutions. Whether you need only professional guidance to kick-start your online journey or complete website development services in California, we are happy to assist you.  

So, write to us now!

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