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September 3, 2024

Ecommerce Mistakes: Why Your Cart Abandonment Rate Is So High

There's no way to deny it—shopping cart abandonment is an upsetting subject for all online retailers and e-commerce store owners. On average, 60% of shopping carts are abandoned in online retail stores. From the seller's point of view, this number is disappointing and needs effective countermeasures to remedy it. We recommend you understand the reasons behind this occurrence and dial it down.  

In a euphoric society, your business will enjoy a spike in revenue generation if you can successfully convert prospective users to genuine sales. Alternatively, cart abandonment is a natural and inevitable behavior among online users.  

Factually speaking, a considerable section of people just hit online retail stores to do window shopping, compare prices, build their wish lists, explore gift options, and anticipate future discounts. It's detrimental for an ecommerce outfit to lose out on incoming traffic with high buying potential. We have developed an extensive list of compelling reasons behind the cart abandonment phenomenon.

In this blog, we'll concentrate on the most notable reasons for cart abandonment. Additionally, we will provide you with actionable strategies to convert potential leads into genuine sales and generate revenue. This blog is a must-read for everyone, whether an e-commerce newbie or looking for e-commerce store optimization.

What is Ecommerce?

For a simple comprehension, ecommerce is buying or selling goods (and services) online. You can run your ecommerce from a smartphone or invest in a sleek online store and a social media platform. You can access your ecommerce prospects from anywhere to establish an internet connection.  

In simple words, the objective of ecommerce for the seller is to increase online sales by employing digital marketing strategies.  

Types of Ecommerce Operation Models

As you dive deeper into ecommerce, you will realize several ecommerce types, each defined by your role and client. Here's a thorough rundown of some helpful ecommerce terms you should know about.

Business to Consumer (B2C)

Any business that sells commodities or services to an individual consumer can be classified as a business-to-consumer (B2C).

Business to Business (B2B)

In a B2B ecommerce strategy, the outfit sells commodities or services to another business.  

Consumer t o Consumer (C2C)

A person selling goods or services to another person can be classified as a Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C). Note: However, if that person begins selling multiple items using this model, it will become a B2C type.

Consumer to Business (C2B)

Any person selling their products or services to a business or organization fits the Consumer Business (C2B) model.

Digitally Native Vertical Brand (DNVB)

If you start entirely online, your e-commerce business ideas will be considered a digitally native vertical brand (DNVB).

How Does Ecommerce Platform Function?

Now that you have covered the fundamental definitions and types of e-commerce websites, you must note how they function. Unsurprisingly, the world of e-commerce involves several steps to function satisfactorily. We discuss employing website codes, the database, and third-party applications here.  

Ecommerce websites rely on SSL certificates to protect and encrypt all data transfers. You must never consider leaving sensitive information such as your credit card digits on the ecommerce platforms unless the website ensures strict adherence to mandated regulations, including PCI compliance.

Ecommerce platforms classically function like:

  • Prospective clients reach an ecommerce platform through search engines, referral traffic, paid advertisements, etc.
  • The ecommerce platform then establishes a link with their database, which contains tons of data (about the website's products, categories, images, articles and content, etc.) The platform will ask for this data to render any requested web pages.
  • Once prospective consumers have explored the website, they will pick a product or service to their shopping cart before moving to the check-out phase.
  • The shopper finishes the checkout process and settles the transaction.
  • The shopper's credit card details are encrypted and sent to a Payment Gateway for secure, remote processing.
  • Once the order and payment formalities are complete, the platform will provide an estimated shipping time, a unique transaction number, a postal tracking number, etc.  
  • The orders on the platform are handed over to the order fulfillment team once the transactions are over.  

Can You Avoid Common Ecommerce Marketing Mistakes?

There's no denying that running a business flawlessly is a myth. Mistakes and failures are an integral part of any business's growth.

Countless startup organizations get their commercial strategies incorrect. Also, no investor worldwide can claim a clean hit rate with sponsorship decisions. You can also find importers who have collected foreign goods for retail business but haven't gained momentum. And, of course, many digital marketers often settle on the wrong marketing strategy for reaching their target audience.

Although some business mistakes are unavoidable, the rest can be remedied easily to ensure better days ahead. You will see that most avoidable mistakes can potentially liquidate a business quickly if left unaddressed. Yet, the unaware ecommerce entrepreneurs repeat them daily.

Since the internet allows you to learn from others' mistakes and avoid inevitable e-commerce mistakes, we recommend you follow suit to save yourself some stress and money. You would benefit from finding out the common e-commerce mistakes to avoid and how to prevent them.

30 Common Ecommerce Business Mistakes to Avoid: How Many Are You Doing?

Concentrate on market monitoring and brand building if you are running an online business—they play a crucial role in your route to success. You can run your e-commerce business through various platforms, such as an online store, advertising portals, marketplaces, or social networks.

Regardless of your preferred base for the business, you must maintain proximity with a few basic rules to gain consistent traffic and generate considerable revenue. We've developed an extensive list of the thirty most common mistakes to improve the efficiency of your ecommerce website.

So, where to start?

1. Neglect Market Research

In simple terms, market research involves much more than identifying customer leads. It consists in considering the customer's inclinations. Gaining insight into their content consumption choices and online shopping navigation tendencies is instrumental here.  

If you sidestep this action, you will move towards various pitfalls. Indeed, you don't want to end up in a position where your business has invested significantly in developing a feature-rich e-commerce platform. However, your target audience pines for a sleek, more efficient shopping experience.  

2. Choosing the Wrong Ecommerce Platform

Indeed, not every proprietary content management system shares a similar identical structure. You will not always have a clear vision of your needs from a CMS - or how your necessities will vary as you begin to scale.  

Yet, we recommend you refrain from settling for one and running it under the expectation that the modifications between your choices will not significantly impact it. It will be detrimental for your business to build a website on a given CMS only to discover that it doesn't facilitate a feature pivotal to your operations.  

3. No Brand Identity

Most e-commerce business runners fall into the trap of kick-starting their platform without concentrating on their brand identity. Building an impactful brand identity is necessary if you want a flourishing e-commerce business.

When you conduct comprehensive market research, you will most likely have a sufficient grasp of your target audience's requirements and how to approach them. We recommend that you concentrate on matching your logo with your business idea and maintaining an even tone for the content.

4. Poor Market Plan

Another common mistake most new e-commerce store owners make is thinking they can create their marketing tactics on the fly. However, digital companies must prioritize curating and testing their marketing plans carefully.

It is common for new ecommerce businesses to fail miserably early in their run. You must develop a central strategy that details your approach to gaining new customers for your brand. Moreover, you must include relevant goals or benchmarks to taste success.  

5. Unappealing Website Layout

There's no denying that the ecommerce website is the centre of your digital presence. Therefore, you must shape your website to provide a positive impression to the visitors.  

You must leverage website design tools to create a high-functioning and aesthetically rich website to introduce and develop your brand. This might seem like a lot of work for newbies; however, it is industry-tested and can contribute enormously to your brand's development.

6. Overlooking Security

The role of a business manager for any e-commerce store doesn't only entail handling internal, company-facing data—you must also guarantee the security of your customers' intimate details; you will want to secure everybody who can contribute to your business revenue.  

Although you don't want to slip the data security part of the process into the back burner, you shouldn't always let this aspect dominate your mind. Your best choice for a CMS must ensure comprehensive protection against security cracks and hacking attempts.

7. Product Image That Fails to Highlight the Item Effectively

In simple terms, images allow you to elevate the appeal of your products and services. Your flagship products will go under the radar if you don't employ professional photography for the extra spotlight.

There are countless ways to grab a good picture of your commodities and services. However, the golden rule of thumb is to highlight the goods and provide a backdrop that benefits the product rather than making any detrimental effect.

8. Unclear or Undefined Value Offering

Once you have highlighted the product with impressive photography, you must focus on setting the appropriate pricing for your products and services. There are countless cases where e-commerce enterprises have done their due diligence before setting the price of their products and services.

You will seldom have the foresight to tell if you are pricing your products and services according to your production cost and market demand, especially if you skip market research. The best way is to price the product and service according to industry standards.  

9. Poor Navigation

Indeed, you wouldn't enjoy browsing through a website that is unpleasant to navigate. As your top priority is getting maximum traffic on your ecommerce platform, you must simplify the navigation experience.  

Your website may be loaded with high-quality content, vivid descriptions, first-rate products, excellent reviews, and necessary contact information; however, the question is, are users finding it easy to access these? Simply put, you must simplify the whole process to improve the user experience.

10. Poor Lead-Capturing Efforts

You will fail to connect with your consumers if they don't actively make moves toward conversion. As mentioned already, not everyone who visits your website ensures a sale. However, that doesn't mean you should leave them unattended.  

Instead, you must try to gain as much information about them as possible—they are your potential leads. We recommend you integrate a lead-capture form on the e-commerce platform to allow everyone to engage further with your brand—even if they don't purchase anything.

11. Poor Payment Gateway

Your e-commerce website is supposed to house premium products and services and provide customers with a simple and secure payment process. A faulty payment gateway can spoil the total purchase experience for your clients, who will not only be deterred from your website but never return for future purchases.  

Certain features in your ecommerce website build trust in your customers before they decide to place their orders. Integrating a whole host of payment options on your ecommerce platform is necessary to satisfy diverse customer demographics.

12. Lack of Customer Review

Your job doesn't end with designing a kickass ecommerce store for your business unless you don't decide to promote it aggressively. We recommend you tap into the boundless potential of social media networks to let people know about your business.  

Moreover, you could also decide to include customer reviews and comments on your platform to encourage more people to explore your product roster and service catalog. Note: Only choose to feature a "reviews" section until you have amassed enough reviews.

13. Lack of Shipping Options

You must also pay close attention to your delivery options. Simply put, ensuring timely and safe delivery contributes to brand promotion and customer retention. Hence, please address any discrepancies between the customers' preferred receipt method and your delivery methods.  

It's not difficult to satisfy customers regarding delivery and fulfillment. We understand that catering to every customer's needs is challenging, especially in this aspect. However, you must make room for several options that reward conversions without compromising your profit margin.

14. Technical Issues

There are no two ways: your total ecommerce platform should not feature any technical glitches or other such issues. You must promise functioning links and proper visitor redirecting. Moreover, you should also optimize your site's loading speed and mobile devices.

Ignoring this may result in a disappointing user experience for your customers. Regardless of how well-structured your website is, your online traffic will not stay for long and will switch to some other market rival.  

15. Not Using Proper Category Pages

You must guarantee a dedicated category on your e-commerce website if you offer multiple products and services. It's a must-have to assign separate category pages as appropriate.  

They allow for intelligent organization and presentation in front of the buyer. Additionally, they will enable you to integrate additional information to educate visitors and interact with your brand.

16. Failing to Implement Social Proof

Referrals, testimonials, and product reviews are crucial drivers of visitors. A massive 80% of shoppers trust online reviews as much as they rely on personal recommendations. On the contrary, 76% of consumers agree they are less likely to shop from an e-commerce site without valid social proof.  

Hence, don't hesitate to share those positive business reviews across social media platforms. To enhance the impact of your social proof and avoid these ecommerce mistakes, distribute verified customer badges, prioritize third-party review platforms, and display individual seller ratings.

17. Neglecting Optimizing Websites for Mobile Users

In the first quarter of 2024, smartphones generated two-thirds of e-commerce shopping orders, contributing to 77% of retail site traffic globally. Search engines like Google are well-known for prioritizing mobile-friendly websites over their competitors for a better user experience.

With most of your customer segmentation coming from smartphones, not optimizing your ecommerce for mobile will be a no-brainer. Hence, ensure your online store operates as seamlessly on a smartphone as other devices. Optimize its payment options, push notifications, design hierarchy, image-to-text ratio, loading speed, forms, and navigation.  

18. Insufficient Support after the Sale

Happier customers lead to repeat customers. The best way to keep your customers happy is to prioritize after-sales support. Good after-sales also facilitate positive word-of-mouth, while inefficient support will force your customers to run to your competitors.  

Hence, ensure your ecommerce business plan includes a responsive contact center for complaints and queries, sending follow-up emails for feedback, warranties, replacement and repair policies, and an effortless return process.  

19. Overlooking Problems with Product Filtering and Sorting

Mismanagement of product feeds is one of the biggest e-commerce mistakes. It results in inefficient product sorting and filtering, inaccurate product data, not updating the listings, and a lack of optimization. For instance, your product filters might indicate that certain items are out of stock even though you recently repurchased them.  

It can hamper the sale and leave your customers scratching their heads. To avoid such errors, constantly update the product filters and listings, display product information accurately, or utilize feed management services to optimize the process.

20. Failure to Address Ongoing Checkout Problems

Inefficient ecommerce checkout optimization is one of the leading causes of cart abandonment. Shockingly, a staggering amount of people admit to abandoning an order due to a complicated and overly long checkout process in an ecommerce platform.  

The simplest way to lessen cart abandonment is to ensure customers can complete the purchasing process without hassle. Make sure to have multiple secure payment options on the page, alongside tracking and cancelling buttons. Also, ensure your customers don't have to deal with unexpected shipping costs and return and refund policies.

21. Allowing Misplaced Pop-Ups to Disrupt the User Experience

A crucial part of creating a functional and affordable ecommerce website is designing and timing the pop-up notifications. These notifications aim to attract attention and share relevant offers with the shopper. However, when your pop-ups are difficult to shut and constantly appear or overlap other notifications, it can be a nuisance for the audience.  

Hence, we recommend personalizing and tailoring the notification. Segment your target audience and trigger the pop-ups based on user behaviour. Additionally, regular A/B testing should occur to monitor the timing and placement of the notifications, focusing on design, mobile optimization, and load times.

22. No Guest Checkout Facility

Purchasing is the last stop of the ecommerce customer journey. Hence, focus on making it as seamless as possible for your visitors. Instead of forcing them to create an account or register before buying an item, allow them to opt out for guest checkout.  

Your customers may not be comfortable providing personal information on the first purchase or might be uninterested in your email letters. Pushing them to take an action they are unwilling to can increase cart abandonment.  

23. Not Investing in Content Marketing

Many newly launched e-commerce sites avoid content marketing, believing it's too hard or ineffective. However, neither of these beliefs is true.  

Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to create solid branding for ecommerce stores. Irrespective of your industry, there are topics your customers will love to learn about. All you must do is ensure the content you publish is informative, engaging, and likely to convert the reader into a customer.

24. Creating Generic Content

Before publishing any content or copy, ask yourself whether your audience will value it. Is the content relevant to your audience? Does it answer their queries? If not, you must improve it accordingly.  

To discover the type of content your audience prefers, conduct a thorough e-commerce market research and audience analysis of your niche. Furthermore, prioritize content that will stand out among the general audience. If you're putting out information already available on the internet, it will fail to create value for the readers.

25. Prioritizing Sales Over-Delivering Value

One of the crucial ecommerce mistakes you may not realize is prioritizing sales over value. Although your company's goal is to earn more revenue, you can't achieve it without offering value to your audience. It's particularly true when it comes to content marketing.  

Therefore, focus on publishing content or advertising that encourages your audience to turn into buyers without being forceful. When your online store or its content becomes too focused on sales, your customers will turn away.  

26. Prioritize Launching First, Validate Later

Creating and maintaining an ecommerce store is a demanding process, both mentally and financially. You wouldn't want to invest a grand sum in an idea that has never been through analysis or evaluation.  

Therefore, before jumping into the ecommerce business plan, test your ideas on targeted customer segments. Then, focus on creating an MVP and generating buzz on social media. Always play ahead to prevent your hard-earned money from going in vain.

27. Not Clarifying Who Your Target Audience Is

Another grave blunder business owner makes when branding for ecommerce is not considering their target audience. If you are unaware of your target audience segment, you dive into each endeavour completely blind.

You might start with thorough customer segmentation to attract the correct customers to your store's doorstep. Ask yourself what problems your store, products, or services will solve, what type of customers usually face these issues, and how they typically look for the solution.  

28. Struggling to Connect with Your Target Audience

Have you ever encountered an e-commerce site or Google listing with inaccurate contact details? If you have, then you already know what we are talking about.  

Knowing your target audience is only the start. You must also figure out ways to connect with them, such as analysing their most used social media platforms. Conducting an e-commerce customer journey analysis is a great way to find the answers to reaching the correct audience.  

29. Setting Product Prices Based Only on Competitor Pricing

Adjusting product prices solely based on competitor pricing is a common practice but one of the most noteworthy e-commerce mistakes. Putting your pricing strategies in automatic mode can result in significant losses in the long term.  

If you look at luxury brands with excellent presence, you'll notice they rarely cut their prices but remain ahead of their competitors.

You may automate a few parts of the pricing strategy, such as calculating revenue projections or collecting data. However, refrain from relying entirely on your competitors for the ultimate cut. Instead, research your audience and find out what they can afford and how much they are willing to pay for brand value.

30. Growing Your Business Before You're Prepared

Seeing your products flying off the shelves may inspire you to expand your business. Exceeding your business potential, increasing wholesale orders, and investing in costly software can be exciting. However, before taking on-the-spot decisions, ensure you are ready to take on the job and the accompanying expenses.

Initially, focus on sustaining your business rather than expanding. Strategize to steadily increase the revenue over a certain period. Once you have created a stable and continuous flow of sales and revenue, start preparing for manageable scaling that won't hurt your bank balance.

Looking To Launch Your Online Store?

In conclusion, we hope to benefit all ambitious about making their e-commerce sleeker and more stylish. You must concentrate on these tips to grow further. There's no denying that these are the most common mistakes that e-commerce leaders face, hampering their businesses financially.  

Our blog is intended to assist you in nurturing your e-commerce store. If you have committed any of these mistakes before, you don't need to worry; you should learn from them to become future proof.

We have developed an industry-leading reputation at GT Wizards by delivering all-encompassing ecommerce website development services in California. Our in-house team is adept at employing the best technologies to build your online store, whether small or fully fledged.  

Additionally, we have an award-winning marketing team that works on positioning your fully functional store in front of the right audience to boost sales and generate revenue. Simply put, our people function to keep your e-commerce business in service and performing at its peak.

GT Wizards is a leading provider of ecommerce web design services in California. Whether it's website development, digital marketing, or maintenance, we ace it all! Give us a call and witness the magic.

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